Z. X. Chen*, I. Langella, N. Swaminathan. “The Role of CFD in Modern Jet Engine Combustor Design” in Environmental Impact of Aviation and Sustainable Solutions, R. K. Agarwal (eds.), ISBN 978-1-83962-358-5, Intech Open Ltd., London, UK (2019). DOI
期刊论文 (*通讯作者,#共同第一作者)
Z. X. Chen*, S. Iavarone, G. Ghiasi, V. Kanan, G. D’Alessio, A. Parente, N. Swaminathan. “Application of machine learning for filtered density function closure in MILD combustion”, Combust. Flame, 225:160-179 (2021). DOI
M. Zhao#, Z. X. Chen#, H. Zhang*, N. Swaminathan. “Large Eddy simulation of a supersonic lifted hydrogen flame with perfectly stirred reactor model”. Combust. Flame, 230:111441 (2021). DOI
Z. Li*, S. Tomasch, Z. X. Chen*, A. Parente, I. S. Ertesvåg, N. Swaminathan. “Study of MILD combustion using LES and advanced analysis tools”. Proc. Combust. Inst., 38:5423-5432 (2021). DOI
S. Iavarone*, A. Péquin, Z. X. Chen*, N. A. D. Doan, N. Swaminathan, A. Parente*. “An a-priori assessment of the Partially Stirred Reactor (PaSR) model for MILD combustion”. Proc. Combust. Inst., 38:5403-5414 (2021). DOI
Z. X. Chen*, N. Swaminathan. “Influence of fuel plenum on thermoacoustic oscillations inside a swirl combustor”. Fuel, 275:117868 (2020). DOI
Z. X. Chen*#, I. Langella*#, R. S. Barlow*, N. Swaminathan. “Prediction of local extinctions in piloted jet flames with inhomogeneous inlets using unstrained flamelets”. Combust. Flame, 212:415-423 (2020). DOI
Z. X. Chen*, I. Langella, N. Swaminathan, M. Stöhr, W. Meier, H. Kolla. “Large Eddy Simulation of a dual swirl gas turbine combustor: Flame/flow structures and stabilisation under thermoacoustically stable and unstable conditions”. Combust. Flame, 203:279-300 (2019). DOI
Z. X. Chen*, N. Swaminathan, M. Stöhr, W. Meier. “Interaction between self-excited oscillations and fuel-air mixing in a dual swirl combustor”, Proc. Combust. Inst., 37:2325-2333 (2019). DOI
J. C. Massey, Z. X. Chen*, N. Swaminathan. “Lean flame root dynamics inside a model gas turbine combustor”. Combust. Sci. Technol., 191:1019-1042 (2019). DOI
Z. X. Chen*, N. A. K. Doan, X. J. Lv, N. Swaminathan, G. Ceriello, G. Sorrentino, A. Cavaliere. “A numerical study of a cyclonic combustor under MILD conditions using non-adiabatic tabulated chemistry”, Energy Fuels, 32:10256-10265 (2018). DOI
Z. X. Chen*, N. A. K. Doan, S. Ruan, I. Langella, N. Swaminathan. “A priori investigation of subgrid correlation of mixture fraction and progress variable in partially premixed flames”. Combust. Theory Model., 22:862-882 (2018). DOI
Z. Chen, V. M. Reddy, S. Ruan, N. A. K. Doan, W. L. Roberts*, N. Swaminathan. “Simulation of MILD combustion using Perfectly Stirred Reactor model”. Proc. Combust. Inst., 36:4279-4286 (2017). DOI
Z. Chen*, S. Ruan, N. Swaminathan. “Large Eddy Simulation of flame edge evolution in a spark-ignited methane-air jet”. Proc. Combust. Inst., 36:1645-1652 (2017). DOI
Z. Chen*, S. Ruan, N. Swaminathan. “Numerical study of transient evolution of lifted jet flames: partially premixed flame propagation and influence of physical dimensions”. Combust. Theory Model., 20:592-612 (2016). DOI
Z. Chen, S. Ruan, N. Swaminathan*. “Simulation of turbulent lifted methane jet flames: Effects of air-dilution and transient flame propagation”. Combust. Flame, 162:703-716 (2015). DOI
J. C. Massey*, Z. X. Chen, N. Swaminathan. “Modelling Heat Loss Effects in the LES of a Lean Swirl-Stabilised Flame Close To Blow-Off”, Flow, Turbul. Combust., 106:1355-1378 (2021). DOI
I. Langella, Z. X. Chen, N. Swaminathan*, S. K. Sadasivuni. “Large- Eddy Simulation of Reacting Flows in Industrial Gas Turbine Combustor”, J. Propuls. Power, 34:1269-1284 (2018). DOI
G. Wang, X. Liu, L. Li*, Z. X. Chen, F. Qi. “Investigation on the flame front and flow field in acoustically excited swirling flames with and without confinement”, Combust. Sci. Technol., in press. DOI