
题目:Nano Graphene Platelets (NGPs) and NGP Nanocomposites
报告人:Professor Bor Z. Jang
College of Engineering and Computer Science, Wright State University, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy., Dayton, Ohio 45435 USA 
主持人:郑玉峰  教授

The nanoscale graphene platelet (NGP) or graphene nano-sheet is an emerging class of nano materials. An NGP is a nanoscale platelet composed of one or more layers of a graphene plane, with a platelet thickness from less than 0.34 nm to 100 nm. In a graphene plane, carbon atoms occupy a 2-D hexagonal lattice in which carbon atoms are bonded together through strong in-plane covalent bonds. In the c-axis or thickness direction, several graphene planes may be weakly bonded together through van der Waals forces to form a multi-layer NGP. An NGP may be viewed as a flattened sheet of a carbon nano-tube (CNT), with a single-layer NGP corresponding to a single-wall CNT and a multi-layer NGP corresponding to a multi-wall CNT. NGPs are predicted to have a range of unusual physical, chemical, and mechanical properties. Although practical electronic device applications for graphene are not envisioned to occur within the next 5-10 years, its application as a nano filler in a composite material is imminent.  However, the availability of processable graphene sheets in large quantities is essential to the success in exploiting composite and other applications for graphene. This presentation begins by a description of the processes for producing NGPs and their composites, which is followed by a discussion on the properties and application of NGPs and their nanocomposites.


College of Engineering and Computer Science
Wright State University, Russ Engineering Center
3640 Colonel Glenn Highway
Dayton, Ohio 45435

B.S.  1974 Physics, National Central University, Taiwan.
M.S.  1979 Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Ph.D.1982?  Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Walter Booth Distinguished Professor and Head, July 2002 – June 2005, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND.
Assistant Professor: Dec. 1, 1982-Sept. 15, 1987, Associate Professor (tenured): Sept. 15, 1987-September 15, 1992, Full Professor: September 15, 1992-July 2002, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering Program, Auburn University, Alabama, USA.
Director of Graduate Studies (Graduate Program Officer): 1985 - 1995 and 2000 -2002, Materials Engineering Program, Auburn University, Alabama, USA.
Fulbright Scholar and Visiting Professor: 1991-1992, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, England, UK.
Research Scientist and Lab Supervisor, 1982.  American Hoechst Co., Plastics Div., Research and Development Department, Leominster, MA, USA.  (Now in Chesapeake, Va.) Responsible for supervising physical testing lab, improving environmental stress cracking of plastics, and a few other projects.
Engineering Officer, 1974-1976, CSF Vehicle Pant (later became HuaTong Automotive Company); worked in the Design Department as a design engineer for engines and other vehicle components.
1. 教育背景
1974年,毕业于National Central University的物理专业;
1979年,毕业于Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 的材料科学与工程专业, 取得MS学位;
1982年,毕业于Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 的材料科学与工程专业专业, 取得博士学位..

2. 工作简历
1982年,American Hoechst Corp. (Leominster, Ma, USA)聘为研究员
1982-2002年, 为Auburn University (Alabama, USA) 教授.
2002 – June 2005年, Walter Booth 杰出学者, North Dakota State University大学,机械工程与应用系系主任Department of Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics, , Fargo, ND. USA.
2005-至今,Wright State University 大学,工程与计算机学院 院长。
1985 - 1995 及and 2000 -2002:Auburn University材料系研究部门主管, Alabama, USA.
1991-1992, 英国剑桥大学,材料科学与冶金系,Fulbright访问学者及客座教授.

B、作为博士生导师,已指导毕业23名博士研究生生及35名硕士研究生;作为答辩委员会成员,完成超过100名硕士及博士研究生的毕业论文答辩会(The Auburn University and North Dakota State University)
C、发表著作:《先进聚合物复合材料》“Advanced Polymer Composites.”,正在编写《智能材料系统》“Smart Materials Systems,”。
E、1991-1992年期间,获得Fulbright基金,前往英国剑桥大学从事材料科学研究,并获得剑桥大学丘吉尔学院海外院士 称号。
D、1992-1997年期间,获得Auburn University大学的杰出教授奖。
?   发明了固体自由成型技术及设备。此项发明主要用于快速成型制造及工艺技术,分别申请了17项专利 (其中6项已生效,11项正在审核过程)。这项技术成果获得美国国家航空与航天管理局颁发的2003年航空航天技术奖,及2006年航空航天技术奖。
?   在纳米技术(纳米材料及制造工艺技术)、储能技术(燃料电池及电池)、纳米生物材料及先进材料制造技术方面,作为主要申请人,共拥有72项美国专利技术(包括已生效和正在审核专利)。