11月19日能源与资源工程系——Modeling Reductive Dechlorination by Anaerobic Mixed Cultures during Bioenhanced NAPL Dissolution

讲座题目:Modeling Reductive Dechlorination by Anaerobic Mixed Cultures during Bioenhanced NAPL Dissolution

报告人:Dr. Mingjie Chen

时 间:11月19日(星期五)下午1:00—2:00
地 点:方正大厦301能源与资源工程系会议室

     Significant microbial reductive dechlorination in the source zone resulted in bioenhanced PCE dissolution, with a 5-fold increase in dissolution observed relative to an abiotic system. Quantification of the spatial and temporal evolution of all chemical constituents and microbial populations in an experimental bioactive column provided a comprehensive data set that was used to guide bioenhanced dissolution model formulation and to gain insight into the processes controlling bioenhanced dissolution. In this study, a multiphase, compositional simulator, the Michigan Subsurface Environmental Simulator (MISER), was modified to model multiple chemical constituents and mixed microbial populations (1 fermentor plus 2 dechlorinators) using Monod kinetics with electron acceptor competition and competitive inhibition, and evaluated against the experimental results and employed to examine the relative importance of microbial kinetic and growth parameters on bioenhanced dissolution. Calibration and verification of the model to the experimental data demonstrated not only that the model could accurately depict the effluent concentrations, but that the model correctly portrayed microbial growth and dechlorination kinetics along the length of the column. This later comparison serves as a novel model verification step. Sensitivity analysis on the optimized parameter set suggested that when donor limitations do not exist (i.e., fermentation is not limiting), microbial reductive dechlorination is controlled mostly by the rate of PCE and cis-DCE degradation and Dehalococcoides growth. Additional model simulations demonstrated the influence cis-DCE inhibition, column length (column residence times), and flow rate have on bioenhaced dissolution predictions, which may be used to guide future experimental design.

     博士, 2005, 环境科学, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA 
     硕士, 2000, 环境科学, 6163am银河线路城市与环境学系 
     学士, 1997, 环境工程,清华大学环境工程系 
     研 究 员 , 2010.10-, Atmospheric, Earth, and Energy Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. 研究课题:CO2 地质储藏以及风险管理;地热;地下煤层气化等。 
     研究助理教授, 2008.9 -2010.9, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Tufts University, Medford, MA。领导 IMPES 实验室数值模拟研究。研究课题:1 开发了地下水中氯化有机污染物生物降解的数值模型并用实验数据校正和验证;2 氯化有机污染物在地下水中迁移转化的三维数值模拟。 
     博士后, 2005.8 -2008.8, Earth and Environmental Sciences Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory. 研究课题:1 科罗拉多Piceance 盆地地下水流动三维数值模型建立和校正;2 土壤多孔介质中水-有机污染物-气相流随机模型开发;3 多尺度网格间耦合的有限元方法研究。