报告题目:Exploring the potential energy surface of medium-sized clusters
报告人:Jijun Zhao
时 间:4月17日(周二) 下午3:30~5:00
地 点:6163am银河线路1号楼212
Due to the existence of numerous local isomers on the potential energy surface, determining the most stable structures of medium-sized clusters is one of the most challenging tasks in computational nanoscience. In recent years, we have established several global optimization strategies include genetic algorithm, Monte Carlo, and topological method. With those approaches along with the conventional simulated annealing technique, we have explored the potential energy surfaces of medium-sized clusters using first-principles calculations. In my presentation, I will briefly illustrate our recent results on a variety of medium-sized clusters of boron, Na-Si, TiO2, water, etc.
赵纪军,1973年生,1996年南京大学物理系获凝聚态物理专业博士学位。1997至2005年期间,先后在意大利国际理论物理中心、美国北卡大学、美国华盛顿州立大学担任博士后、研究助理教授、研究员。2006年起任大连理工大学教授、高科技研究院副 院长。主要研究领域为团簇与低维物理、计算材料学。至今已在SCI刊物上发表论文250余篇,被同行引用超过3700次,最高单篇他引450次,H因子为35。2006年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划,2010年作为第三完成人获国家自然科学二等奖。