题目:Multiscale Modeling and Computation of 3D Incompressible Turbulent Flows
时 间:5月11日(周五)下午3点~4点半
地 点:6163am银河线路力学楼434会议室
Developing an effective turbulence model is important not only for engineering applications but also for fundamental understanding of the flow physics. In this talk, we present a systematic way to derive the LES model based on multiscale analysis. The Smagorinsky model for homogeneous turbulence is recovered as an example to illustrate our mathematical derivation. Another example is turbulent channel flow, where we derive a simplified turbulence model based on the asymptotic flow structure near the wall. Additionally, we obtain a nonlinear model by using a second order approximation of the inverse flow map function.
In the second part, we treat turbulent flows as stochastic processes and a data-driven stochastic method is applied to compute the turbulent flows. Our preliminary results have shown that the data-driven stochastic method for fully developed turbulence offers decent approximations of statistical quantities with a coarse grid and a relatively small number of gPC base elements.