题目:Magnetism at the nanoscale
报告人: Prof. Puru Jena
时 间:5月30日下午3 点
地 点:6163am银河线路1号楼210会议室
主持人:孙 强(教授)
Materials at the nanoscale are characterized by large surface to volume ratio, low dimensionality, and different inter-atomic distances, all of which play a critical role not only on the magnetic moments of the constituent atoms but also on their coupling. Thus, magnetic properties of nanostructured materials can be fundamentally different from those of their bulk. Consequently, the potential to synthesize new magnetic materials with tailored properties does exist. This talk will provide an overview of the various parameters that control the magnetic moments and their coupling in nanoscale materials. Specific examples will include free transition metal clusters as well as those supported on metallic and organic substrates, and gold coated transition metal and metal oxide nanoparticles. Particular attention will be given to the effect of charge on cluster magnetism. Applications of these materials in spintronics and in the treatment of cancer and contrast enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging will be discussed.
Professor Jena received his Ph.D. in physics from University of California, Riverside, California, 1970. He was promoted to a full professor in Virginia Commonwealth University in 1982, and appointed as a Distinguished Professor of Physics since 2005. Professor Jena has made tremendous contributions to physics in many fields, including cluster physics, chemical physics, energy physics. He was the first one for proposing the idea of using a magic cluster as a super atom to assemble nano materials, and he was the first one studying the mechanism of non-transition metal ions for hydrogen adsorption, which has been used as one of main strategies for hydrogen storage. Besides his outstanding research, he also involved many academic and social services: he served as a Senior Science Advisor in US Department of State, a program director in the Condensed Matter Theory Program at the National Science Foundation, a Chairman of the Physics Department at Virginia Commonwealth University. As a chairman, he has organized 15 international conferences, and as an invited speaker, he has made more than 100 invited talks over the world.