10月19日6163am银河线路讲座——Introduction to terahertz imaging and its potential role in our future

题目:Introduction to terahertz imaging and its potential role in our future

报告人:Emma MacPherson

时 间:10月19日上午9:00—11:00
地 点:校医院A534

    Terahertz (THz) radiation is located between the infrared and microwave areas of the electromagnetic spectrum (THz=1012Hz).  Terahertz imaging and spectroscopy is a cutting edge technique with the unique capability to probe many inter-molecular interactions (e.g. hydrogen bonding and lattice phonon vibrations) as well as weak, low energy intra-molecular motions (e.g. torsional vibrations and rotational motions).   Its sensitivity to these molecular interactions has driven research ranging from biomedical applications such as breast cancer imaging to security applications such as explosive detection.  In this talk I will outline the principles of terahertz imaging and spectroscopy and discuss present and potential future applications.

    Emma MacPherson (nee Pickwell) studied Natural Sciences for her undergraduate degree at Cambridge University followed by an MSci in Physics where she specialised in Semiconductor Physics. She started her PhD with the Semiconductor Physics Group at Cambridge University and TeraView Ltd in October 2002. Her PhD thesis was entitled, "Biological applications of terahertz pulsed imaging and spectroscopy" - her PhD work focused on understanding contrast mechanisms in terahertz images of skin cancer. Having completed her thesis in 2005, she worked for TeraView Ltd as a Medical Scientist until moving to Hong Kong in 2006. Prof MacPherson set up a terahertz laboratory at the Department of Electronic Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) during her post between 2006 and 2009 as an assistant professor. She then spent 3 years at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as a visiting assistant professor (September 2009 -2012) and returned to the Department of Electronic Engineering, CUHK in Sept 2012. Prof MacPherson represents Hong Kong on the International Organising Committee for the Infrared and Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Wave Conference series.