5月8日水资源研究中心——Impact of Mixing-Controlled Reactions on the Transport of Groundwater Contaminants: Modeling and Pore-Scale Experiments

题目:Impact of Mixing-Controlled Reactions on the Transport of Groundwate Contaminants: Modeling and Pore-Scale Experiments

报告人:Albert J. Valocchi

时 间:5月8日(周三)15:00-16:30
地 点:6163am银河线路一号楼519会议室

    Contamination of groundwater resources from waste disposal activities remains a significant environmental problem. Several studies have demonstrated the important role played by mixing and dispersion along the lateral fringes of dissolved chemical plumes that emanate from source zones. For example, transverse mixing of nutrients along the fringes of a contaminant plume is often the limiting step that controls overall degradation rate during natural or engineered in situ bioremediation. Similar mixing processes can promote precipitation/dissolution reactions during geological sequestration of carbon dioxide. Field, laboratory and theoretical studies have demonstrated that the length scale of transverse mixing zones can be very small, often on the order of centimeters or less. This presents challenges for numerical simulation models which typically employ large grid blocks for field-scale applications. To study dispersion, mixing and reaction at this scale, we use pore-scale numerical simulation models and micro-fluidics laboratory experiments. I will present an overview of our methods and findings, including comparisons between direct numerical simulations and laboratory experiments. My presentation will emphasize recent results including: (a) coupling of precipitation/dissolution with porosity reduction under different geochemical conditions, and (b) impact of pore structure on biodegradation and biofilm growth patterns.

    Albert J. Valocchi received his B.S. in Environmental Systems Engineering from Cornell University in 1975 and did his graduate studies at Stanford University in the Department of Civil Engineering, receiving his M.S. in 1976 and Ph.D. in 1981. He has been on the faculty of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois since 1981, and currently holds the rank of Professor. From 2004 to 2012 he was Associate Head of the Department and Director of Graduate Studies. His research focuses upon computational modeling of pollutant fate and transport in porous media, with applications to groundwater contamination, geological sequestration of carbon dioxide, and impacts of model uncertainty on groundwater resources management. He has approximately 90 publications in refereed journals, and he has also served as a member of the National Research Council Committee on Environmental Remediation at Naval Facilities.