5月27日力学系、湍流实验室、应用物理中心联合学术报告——Multiscale Modeling of Multicomponent Evaporating Sprays

题目:Multiscale Modeling of Multicomponent Evaporating Sprays

报告人:Professor C. P. Chen

时 间:5月27日(周一)上午10:30~12:00
地 点:6163am银河线路一号楼212会议室

    Liquid sprays find important applications in material processing, spray combustion and fuel delivering systems. The injected liquid jet undergoes a series of dynamic processes leading to primary and secondary atomization, evaporation and ultimately fine mist spray. Most sprays originate from turbulent liquid nozzles. A new approach to account for turbulence effects and finite thermal conductivity/mass diffusivity within atomizing droplets of an evaporating spray is presented in this talk. Liquid turbulence level within the injector is accounted for to model primary atomization. The finite conductivity model is based on the two-temperature film theory, in which the turbulence characteristics of the droplet are used to estimate the effective thermal and mass diffusivity for the liquid-side film thickness. The turbulence structure within droplet is also used to model finite diffusivities of multi-component fuel during evaporation process under elevated pressure conditions. Bio-fuels and traditional gasoline/ethanol blends will be used to demonstrate the methodologies.

    Dr. Chen is currently the Chair and Professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Dr. Chen received his Ph.D. degree from Michigan State University and B.S. from National Taiwan University, both in Chemical Engineering. Prior to joining UAHuntsville in 1986, he was a Research Scientist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. Dr. Chen has led research projects funded by NASA, DoD, US Air Force, US Army Strategic Defense Command, and industries including Cray Research, Rockwell, and CFD Research Corporation. His research areas include multiphase flows, spray combustion, turbulence modeling, computational fluid dynamics, and most recently, Lab-on-Chip and aero-optics. He has been recognized for his research contributions by NASA, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Aerospace, the National Research Council, and University of Alabama Foundation Award for Outstanding Research. Dr. Chen is an Honorary Fellow of Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials and an Associate Fellow of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.