6月18日材料科学与工程系——Recent Progress and Challenges in the Development of High-Performance Piezoelectric Single Crystals

题目:Recent Progress and Challenges in the Development of High-Performance Piezoelectric Single Crystals

报告人:Dr.  Zuo-Guang Ye

时 间:6月18号(周二)下午2:00
地 点:6163am银河线路1号楼210会议室

    Piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials form an important class of functional materials that have found applications in advanced technologies as electromechanical sensors/actuators, non-volatile random access memories, electro-optical and other devices. Relaxor ferroelectrics-based single crystals of complex perovskite binary Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–PbTiO3 [PMN-PT] and Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3–PbTiO3 [PZN-PT] solid solutions exhibit extraordinary piezoelectric performance with extremely high piezoelectric coefficients, very large electromechanical couple factors and exceptionally high strain levels. These properties outperform the widely used Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 [PZT] ceramics, making them the materials of choice for the next generation of electromechanical transducers for a broad range of advanced applications (such as high-end medical ultrasonic imaging systems and sonar) [1].
    In this talk, recent major advances in the development of piezocrystals are presented in terms of crystal growth, dielectric and piezoelectric properties, device applications and crystal chemistry and physics. The outstanding piezoelectric response of these crystals can be related to the nature of morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) in the solid solutions and the peculiar domain states and phase components engineered through appropriate electric field poling. In addition, new ternary solid solution systems are presented with further improved properties (a higher depoling temperature, a larger coercive field and a higher mechanical quality factor) for advanced transducer applications. Recent developments and perspectives of PZT-based high-TC single crystals and lead-free piezo-/ferroelectric materials will also be discussed.

    Zuo-Guang Ye is a professor of materials science and the chair of the Department of Chemistry at Simon Fraser University (SFU), Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. He was a “Chang-Jiang Scholar” visiting professor with Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), China and an “Info-Oulu” visiting professor at the University of Oulu, Finland. He is currently a “Qian-Ren Scholar” with XJTU.
    Ye’s research interests include (i) growth and characterization of high-performance piezo- and ferroelectric single crystals, (ii) multiferroic and magnetoelectric materials, (iii) lead-free piezo- and ferroelectrics, and (iv) relaxor ferroelectricity and its microscopic mechanism. He has been an active contributor to the ONR and DARPA research programs on high-performance piezoelectric single crystals. He has published over 260 peer-reviewed research papers (with more than 4000 SCI citations by  40) and 9 review articles and book chapters, and was~other and an H-Index of  editor of the book on “Advanced Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Materials” (Woodhead Publications Ltd., UK). Ye’s key contributions to the developments of relaxor-based piezocrystals and PZT single crystals and his seminal work on the understanding of relaxor ferroelectric properties are well recognized in the international ferroelectric community.
    Dr. Ye has served in the international advisory board of several conferences (the Asian Meeting on Ferroelectrics, the International Symposium on Ferroic Domains and Micro- to Nanoscopic Structures, the International Symposium on Micro- and Nano-scale Domain Structuring in Ferroelectrics, and the International Symposium on Innovations in Advanced Materials for Optics & Electronics) and was an organizer or co-organizer of symposia at such conferences as the American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy, the Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramics and Glass Technology, the Pacific Rim Chemistry Conference, and the International Meeting on Ferroelectrics. He was the General Chair for the joint 20th IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics / International Symposium on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials, which was successfully held in Vancouver, Canada, on July 24 – 27, 2011.
    Ye has been a senior member of the IEEE, a member of the IEEE’s Ferroelectrics Standing Committee and an elected member of the Administrative Committee of the IEEE’s Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics & Frequency Control Society.
    Ye is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, and of the IEEE Transaction of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control. He also served as a Guest-Editor of Journal of Applied Physics. He is currently the chair of the International Committee for Piezoelectric Single Crystals Standardization.