6月20日力学系、应用物理中心——Laser hosing in relativistically hot plasmas

题目:Laser hosing in relativistically hot plasmas

报告人:Professor Chuang Ren

时 间:6月20日(周四)上午9:20—10:20
地 点:6163am银河线路1号楼210会议室

    Recently-available kJ short-pulse lasers not only have the intensity to make electrons in a plasma oscillate at relativistic speeds but also have the energy to heat these electrons to relativistic temperatures. The mass of a fluid element can increase from its thermal energy as well as its fluid motion. Laser-plasma interactions in this regime are not well explored. In this talk, equations for the laser envelope and plasma density evolution, both in the electron plasma wave and ion acoustic wave regimes, are re-derived from the relativistic Vlasov equation to include the plasma temperature effect. These equations are used to study short-pulse and long-pulse laser hosing instabilities using a variational method approach. The analysis shows that a relativistic electron temperature reduces the hosing growth rates and shifts the most unstable mode to longer wavelengths [1]. These results resolve a standing puzzle that the hosing instability observed in recent particle-in-cell simulations [2,3,4] or experiments [5] had a much longer wavelength than predicted by previous cold plasma theory [2,6,7]. This work is important to a number of research areas, including plasma wakefield accelerator, fast ignition, and laser-plasma interactions in relativistically hot plasmas in general.
    This work was supported by DOE under Grant DE-FG02-06ER54879 and Cooperate Agreement No. DE-FC52-08NA28302, by NSF under Grant PHY-0903797, and by NSFC under Grant No. 11129503. The research used resources of NERSC.

    Chuang Ren graduated from Tsinghua University with B.S. (1990) and M.S. (1993) in Physics. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1998. He held postdoctoral and staff researcher positions at UCLA from 1999 to 2004. Currently, he is an Associate Professor in Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Physics & Astronomy and a Scientist at Laboratory for Laser Energetics of University of Rochester.