题目:Carbon Nano-Materials: A Bright Future
报告人:Prof. Yunhang Hu
时 间:6月17日 下午3:30~5:00
地 点:6163am银河线路1号楼210
Because of the bonding flexibility of carbon, carbon-based materials exhibit various structures with a large variety of physical and chemical properties. Three-dimensional carbon allotropes (graphite and diamond) have been known from the earliest history. The zero-dimensional carbon fullerenes and one-dimensional carbon nanotubes were discovered within the last 30 years. Furthermore, isolated two-dimensional graphene, which is a one-atom thick carbon layer with hexagonal ‘‘honeycomb” lattice, was experimentally obtained 10 years ago. Actually, the discovery of those nano-structured carbon materials is one of the most important developments in science and engineering. In this lecture, Prof. Hu is going to discuss his research for (a) the defect structures and the endohedral complexes of C60, (b) the stability and structure of atomic carbon chains, and (c) the synthesis and application of three dimensional graphene sheets.
Dr. Yunhang Hu is Charles and Carroll McArthur Endowed Chair Professor at Michigan Technological University. Before joining Michigan Tech, he was a Senior Engineer at the ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company and a Research Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the State University of New York at Buffalo. He received his Ph.D in physical chemistry from Xiamen University. His main research interests range from nanomaterials, clean fuels, hydrogen storage materials, CO2 conversion, catalysis, quantum chemistry calculations to solar energy. He has published more than 110 papers in refereed journals, including Accounts Chem. Res., J. Amer. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Edit., and Advanced Materials. Those papers attracted more than 3000 citations. He was an organizer or co-organizer for 20 international symposia, an editor for three ACS series books, a guest editor for two journals, an editorial board member for three journals, and a reviewer for 52 journals. He also serves as a reviewer for funding agencies in 6 countries. He is a program chair for the Energy and Fuels Division of the American Chemical Society in 2012 and 2013.