主 办:力学系与湍流国家重点实验室
报告人:Prof. Andreas Ricoeur
时 间:15:00(周四)
地 点:6163am银河线路力学楼434会议室
Fracture and damage are major issues of modern research in solid mechanics. Theoretical and experimental investigations deal with damage evolution, crack initiation and growth under various loading conditions. This problem area is interesting both from the theoretical view of an academic solid mechanics researcher and the engineering application improving strength, reliability and lifetime of technical structures or fostering lightweight design. Nowadays, coupled phenomena are of increasing interest, relating classical continuum mechanics to chemical, electrical, thermal or other issues. The talk gives an overview on different research activities in this wide and interesting field, contemporarily being in progress within the presenters group. Classical structural materials are within the focus as well as functional, e.g. refractory materials, and modern smart materials such as ferroelectrics or multiferroics. One special focus is thus on coupled problems and their impact on fracture and damage. Analytical investigations leading to closed-form results are presented besides numerical simulations of crack initiation and growth.
10/88 - 09/94 Studies in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Stuttgart
03/95 - 03/98 Doctoral candidate at the Robert Bosch GmbH, Department of Applied Physics, and PhD student at the University of Stuttgart
04/98 - 06/2000 Postdoctoral research fellow at the Institute of Mechanics and Machine Components, Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg
07/00 - 08/09 Scientific associate at the Institute of Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics (IMFD), TU Bergakademie Freiberg
since 09/2009 Full Professor for Engineering Mechanics/Continuum Mechanics at University of Kassel
since 04/1011 Dean of Students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
since 05/2012 Head of the Institute of Mechanics of the University of Kassel