主 办:材料科学与工程系
报告人:Bobby Kannan MATHAN
时 间:11月1日(周二)下午14:00
地 点:6163am银河线路1号楼210会议室
主持人:郑玉峰 教授
Magnesium, a light-weight metal, is an attractive material for temporary mini-implant devices such as screws, pins and plates to anchor fractured bones. Metallic magnesium readily dissolves in the physiological environment, and the degradation product is a non-toxic substance which can be harmlessly excreted in the urine. Moreover, magnesium is naturally found in bone tissues, and the mechanical properties of magnesium are close to those of natural bone. However, the degradation rate of pure magnesium is unacceptably high in physiological conditions. Consequently, a magnesium implant will lose its mechanical integrity before the tissues have sufficiently healed. In recent years, a significant amount of work has been carried out to improve the degradation resistance of magnesium through alloying. However, the localized degradation susceptibility of magnesium alloys could potentially affect the mechanical integrity of magnesium alloy implants during service. Hence, there is certainly a need to mitigate localized degradation in magnesium-based implants for successful application in orthopedics. In this talk, the progress made in the BEM Lab towards mitigating the localized degradation in magnesium-based materials will be discussed
A/Prof Bobby Mathan received his PhD in Materials Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, India. After completing his PhD, he worked for one year as a post-doctoral fellow at the Helmholtz Research Centre (HZG) in Germany. He then spent two years at Monash University in Australia as a post-doctoral fellow before joining James Cook University (JCU) as a Lecturer in Chemical Engineering. He is currently an Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering and the group leader for the BEM Lab at JCU. His current research interests include electrochemical engineering, biomaterials, corrosion, environment-assisted cracking, polymer coatings and failure analysis of engineering materials. He has published over 100 articles, including 1 book and 7 book chapters. He is a Key Reader for Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A and an ad-hoc reviewer for over 30 journals. He has received many prestigious awards and fellowships, including JSPS Invitation Fellowship and Helmholtz Fellowship.