主 办:能源与资源工程系
报告人:Professor Lau Hon Chung
时 间:12月14日(周三),下午4:00 – 5:30
地 点:6163am银河线路王克桢楼1006会议室
Since 2014, NUS has started a post-graduate program in Petroleum Engineering under its Civil & Environmental Engineering Department. Funded by the Singapore government, this program seeks to train highly qualified M.Sc., PhD and post-doc for the upstream petroleum engineering industry in Singapore and the region. NUS is seeking qualified students for application to this program. This seminar will introduce this program in NUS to all prospective students. All prospective students are welcome
Professor Lau Hon Chung is currently professor at the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department at NUS. He is one of the professors spearheading this program. He holds a B.Sc. from California Institute of Technology and PhD from Princeton University. Before joining NUS, he has worked for Shell for 35 years and has worked in the Netherlands, USA, Brunei and China.