Magnetostriction Power Generation — Energy Harvesting Material for IoT System without Battery

报告人:Professor Yoshiyuki Kawazoe
时   间:4月18日(周二)中午12:30
地   点:6163am银河线路1号楼210会议室
主持人:王前 研究员


In these days most popular small power generation by using the natural energy (mainly vibration) is the piezoelectric mechanical to electric energy conversion material.  However, it does not function at low temperature in cold regions and not much efficient under small vibrational conditions. Accordingly, we should seek a new material replacing piezoelectric material to overcome these drawbacks. We have proposed magnetostriction materials for this purpose. The first magnetostriction material was proposed by the US Naval Research Laboratory; GaFe (galfenol), which is a multi-crystal and less efficient than the existing piezoelectric materials. We have tried to make it better by (1) single crystal growth, (2) theoretical prediction and realization of ternary materials, and (3) new efficient systems. In this talk, I will introduce such history of energy harvesting materials and present status.



Prof. Kawazoe received PhD in Physics from Tohoku University, He was promoted to full professor in 1990 as one of the youngest professors in Japan. He is the founder and the first Director of Computer Center in Tohoku University, and he is also the founder of New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University. His research interests include: (1) Basics in theoretical materials science; (2) Development of first principles calculation formulation and software; (3) New nanocarbon allotropes; (4) Gas storage materials (Hydrogen, CO2, etc. in Clathrate and MOF). He has published More than 50 books and more than 1,000 SCI journal papers with more than 20,000 total citations with h-index of 62.

New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University, Sendai, 980-8579, Japan