
主   办:材料科学与工程系
报告人:Liangbing Hu教授、韩晓刚教授
时   间:4月19日(周三)上午9:30
地   点:6163am银河线路一号楼210会议室
主持人:郭少军 研究员


报告一:Ion Intercalation and High-Temperature Behavior of 2D Materials

报告人:Liangbing Hu教授



主持人:郭少军 研究员



I will discuss our recent progress on engineering of 2D materials, with a focus on metal ion intercalation and ultra-high temperature treatment (up to 3000-3500K). We developed a nano-battery platform that allows in situ measurement of optical, electrical and structure changes of 2D materials during ion intercalations. We used the nano-battery setup to investigate various properties of 2D materials upon ion intercalation, including Li+, Na+ and K+. Dramatic increases in both transmittance and conductivity were reported, which leads to the highest figure of merit (FOM) for transparent conductor applications. We also extended the knowledge to printed reduced graphene oxide network toward large-scale applications. In a separated topic, I will discuss our effort in the past two years on high temperature material behavior for reduced graphene oxide (RGO) networks. High-temperature stability of RGO networks allows us to uniquely engineer them for a range of emerging applications, such as 3D printed rapid heaters and highly conductive RGO paper as lightweight battery current collectors.



Liangbing Hu (胡良兵) received his B.S. in physics from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2002, where he worked with Prof Yuheng Zhang on colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) materials for three years. He did his Ph.D. in at UCLA (with George Gruner), focusing on carbon nanotube based nanoelectronics (2002-2007). In 2006, he joined Unidym Inc ( as a co-founding scientist. At Unidym, Liangbing’s role was the development of roll-to-roll printed carbon nanotube transparent electrodes and device integrations into touch screens, LCDs, flexible OLEDs and solar cells. He worked at Stanford University (with Yi Cui) from 2009-2011, where he work on various energy devices based on nanomaterials and nanostructures. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at University of Maryland College Park. His research interests include nanomaterials and nanostructures, roll-to-roll nanomanufacturing, energy storage focusing on solid-state batteries and Na ion batteries, and printed electronics. He received many awards, including: Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award (2016), ACS Division of Energy and Fuel Emerging Investigator Award (2016), SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award (2016), University of Maryland Junior Faculty Award (School of Engineering, 2015), 3M Non-tenured Faculty Award (2015), Maryland Outstanding Young Engineer (2014), University of Maryland Invention of Year (2013 Physical Science), Campus Star of the American Society for Engineering Education (2014), Air Force Young Investigator Award (AFOSR YIP, 2013). For more info, please visit




报告人:韩晓刚 教授



主持人:郭少军 研究员






韩晓刚博士,西安交通大学教授,博士生导师。现工作于西安交通大学电气工程学院,是电力设备与电气绝缘国家重点实验室、陕西省石墨烯联合重点实验、新型储能与能量转换纳米研究中心青年学术带头人。2000年于山西大学化学系毕业,获得材料化学学士学位,导师刘焕荣教授。2009年于中国科学技术大学毕业获得分析化学博士学位,导师邓兆祥教授。随后进入美国加州大学河滨分校殷亚东教授课题组做博士后,从事纳米材料合成与应用基础研究。2011年进入美国马里兰大学能源研究中心胡良兵教授课题组做博士后,研究方向转为新能源和新材料。2015年7月被聘为美国马里兰大学助理研究员,同年12月被西安交通大学聘为青年“拔尖”人才计划A类教授,并于2016年正式回国工作。主要研究方向为先进电化学储能关键技术,石墨烯跨界应用,以及户内储能与智能微网基础研究等。目前,已在国际著名期刊,包括Nature Materials,JACS,Adv. Mater.,Nano Lett.,ACS Nano 等发表研究论文50余篇。2016年起担任西安纳米科技学会常务理事,国际期刊前沿-能源研究 (Frontier-Energy Research)副主编等职务。

