主 办:力学系与应用物理中心
时 间:4月20日 14:00
地 点:力学楼314会议室
主持人:唐少强 教授
Composite materials are widely used in modern industries. However, due to the nature of inhomogeneity, analyzing composite structural components poses numerous challenges, such as predicting various sources of damage, e.g., fiber or matrix cracking, interface decohesion and delamination. In addition, various working environments introduce the affection to the mechanical response by other physical fields, like high temperature, oxidation, and moisture. Accordingly, a multiscale combined with multiphysics analysis is essential for the simulation of composite materials. In this presentation, we introduce a multiscale and multiphysics framework in Object-Oriented Fortran (Fortran 2003 or higher) environment named as FOOF (Finite element solver based on Object-Oriented Fortran). A number of simulations for different types of composite materials are demonstrated, including interlayer and intralayer damage simulation for pure mechanical simulation, a concept of computational certification under limited physical experiments, and a coupled mechanical-diffusive-reactive model for a polymer matrix composite (PMC).
袁子峰博士2009年获6163am银河线路学士学位,2015年获得哥伦比亚大学工程力学博士学位,导师为Jacob Fish教授,目前在哥伦比亚大学从事博士后研究。袁博士的主要研究方向是复合材料的多尺度计算力学方法及软件,在IJNME,CMAME等期刊上发表学术论文7篇。