From Elastic Domains to Elastic Nanocomposites

主   办:力学系与材料系
报告人:欧阳俊 教授
时   间:5月18日(周四)上午10:10-11:30
地   点:6163am银河线路1号楼212会议室
主持人:李法新 研究员



Self-assembled, modulated nanostructures of the same or different phases, or even of different materials, can be formed in epitaxial films or multilayered heterostructures due to relaxation of the long-range elastic field.  These composite structures can be understood using a general physical concept of “elastic domains”.  They are of potential technological importance, since the interfaces and long-range fields (elastic, electric, magnetic, etc…) associated with such a nanoscale modulation in structure can endow unique and desirable physical properties to the film/multilayer materials.  Specifically, when these structures are adaptive to an external field (mechanical load or electric/magnetic fields, etc), the film or multilayer material can yield a large functional response that often exceeds the limit of those in single-phase homogeneous materials, sometimes by orders of magnitude.  In this presentation, I will use case studies in electronic thin films to demonstrate the power of these “polydomain”composite structures.  The electronic films being discussed include perovskite ferroelectric/ferroelastic films, and multiferroic composite films, which have shown great promises in a variety of applications (energy harvesting, conversion & storage; MEMS devices; microelectronics and data storage; etc.).  General design methods, application-oriented deposition processes, as well as some exciting new results will be covered throughout the presentation.
Related work: “Polydomain Structures in Ferroelectric and Ferroelastic Epitaxial Films”, topical review, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 29, 163001 (45pp), 2017.


欧阳俊(Jun Ouyang)教授,于1999年和2005年分别获清华大学和美国马里兰大学(College Park)材料科学与工程专业学士和博士学位,2006年获国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(2005年度)。2005年-2010年在美国希捷科技任职工程师,先后从事磁头微机电系统的研发、以及先进电子材料和薄膜材料生长新工艺的研究。2009年12月被聘为山东大学齐鲁青年学者特聘教授,2010年至今在山东大学材料科学与工程学院任教,领导的课题组专攻功能薄膜与涂层材料的设计、制备、表征及应用研究。在薄膜与涂层材料领域,已发表60多篇SCI期刊论文,获专利6项。
欢迎广大师生光临!联系人:李法新  62757454