主 办:材料科学与工程系
报告人:John Wang教授、Benjamin C.K. Tee 教授
时 间:5月22日(周一)上午9:40-11:40
地 点:6163am银河线路一号楼210会议室
主持人:郭少军 研究员
报告一:Engineering Hybrid Electrodes for Flexible Solid-State High Energy Density Storage
报告人:John Wang教授
主持人:郭少军 研究员
Mechanically flexible energy storage devices, such as supercapacitors, with high energy density, comparable with those of rechargeable batteries, and long term device cycling ability (>50 000 cycles) are inevitably required for next-generation energy storage technologies. The energy density and overall performance of graphene/carbonaceous material electrodes in supercapacitors can be effectively engineered by combining with certain metal oxides/hydroxides/sulphides/phosphides, and conducting polymers. For this purpose, we have successfully developed a new class of hierarchical graphene/carbon framework, which are surface decorated with thin layers/nanofibers of transition metal oxide, hydroxides and sulphides/phosphides, such as MnxO4, NiO, Fe2O3 and Ni(OH)2. Taking MnxO4 as an example, a highly flexible Mn3O4/reduced graphene oxide (rGO) nanohybrid paper with high electrical conductivity and high mass loading of metal oxide nanofibers of >0.70 gcm?3 can be developed via a facile gel formation and subsequent electrochemical reduction. When assembled with reduced rGO paper/carbon network, some of these oxides/nonoxides give rise to flexible ASC devices with remarkable electrochemical performance.
Professor John Wang will also briefly introduce the Materials Science and Engineering Dept, National University of Singapore, where Materials Science is ranked the Asia Best.
John Wang is Professor and Head of the Materials Science and Engineering Dept at the National University of Singapore. He has more than 30 years of experience in teaching and research of functional materials and materials chemistry. His current research interests include: energy materials, ceramic membranes for water and wastewater treatment, biomaterials and nanostructured functional materials. Professor John Wang has published >350 papers in international refereed journals. He is Elected Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK).
报告二:Bio-inspired Electronic Sensor Skins
报告人:Benjamin C.K. Tee 教授
主持人:郭少军 研究员
Electronic sensor skins is an active area of research for many groups over the world due to its potential to enable dramatic changes in how we interact with the digital environment. For example, ‘robots’ can don on sensor active skins to shake human hands with comfortable pressure, measure our health biometrics and possibly aid in wound healing. In my talk, I will discuss the development of electronic sensor skins with some historical context, followed by showcasing of several force sensitive electronic skin technologies with high sensitivity, stretchability and bio-mimetic self-healing abilities1-5. More recently, we demonstrated a power-efficient artificial mechano-receptor system inspired by biological mechano-receptors5. We further used a channelrhodopsin with fast kinetics and large photocurrents as an optical interface to neuronal systems for next generation opto-tactile prosthetic interfaces.
Dr. Benjamin C.K. Tee (郑志强博士) is Assistant Professor (tenure-track) at the Material Science & Engineering (MSE) department in the National University of Singapore (NUS). He obtained his doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 2013 and applied a needs-driven R&D approach as a Stanford Biodesign Global Innovation Fellow in 2014.
He is also selected as the prestigious Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF) Fellow in 2017. He has also won numerous international awards that recognized his work, including the prestigious MIT TR35 Innovators Under 35 Award and MRS Graduate Student Award (Gold). He believes in a multi-disciplinary and collaborative approach to identifying and solving research questions.
He spent a large part of his early research career creating new platform technologies for large area tactile sensing. His work included using microstructures to enhance mechanical sensitivity of thin elastic films for use in flexible pressure sensors. In addition, he has also help create highly stretchable yet transparent electrodes for sensing applications. Furthermore, he also created the world’s first repeatably self-healing electronic sensor skin technology. More recently, he developed artificial mechanoreceptors that mimic the digital output of biological mechanoreceptors for potential use in neural prosthetic devices. These works are in several highly cited research papers on electronic sensor skins and wearable technologies in major journals such as Science, Nature Materials and Nature Nanotechnology.