主 办:材料科学与工程系
报告人:Prof. Jie He, Department of Chemistry, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269, US
时 间:6月1日(周四)上午10:00-12:00
地 点:6163am银河线路方正集团301会议室
Integration of polymers and inorganic materials as a powerful tool can produce hybrid materials having enriched chemistries of polymers and versatile functionalities of inorganic materials. Harnessing such synergies at the interface of polymers and inorganic nanomaterials has created numerous useful materials in the plastics industry, e.g. fiber reinforced composites and filled rubbers. Our group works on developing new synthetic methodologies of hybrid polymer/inorganic nanomaterials with well-defined chemical compositions, nanostructures and synergetic functionalities. We seek to understand the role of polymers in tuning the interface of hybrid materials in order to control the catalytic properties of inorganic nanomaterials. My talk will show our recent effort on, i) the development of new synthetic methods to prepare polymer-tethered nanoparticles and explore the role of polymer tethers in the self-assembly of nanoparticles in solution and solid states; and ii) control over the electronic properties and accessibility of nanoparticles or metal ions that are incorporated in polymer frameworks. I will introduce the concept of polymer-tethered nanoparticles and the application of hybrid building blocks to prepare highly crystalline mesoporous oxides. The add-on functionality of metal nanoparticles to hybrid materials will be deliberated in the context of photocatalysis. The incorporation of metal ions within polymeric frameworks as functional metallopolymers to mimic natural metalloenzymes will be discussed at the end.
何杰,博士,2011年在加拿大舍布鲁克大学(University of Sherbrooke)获得化学博士学位,随后在美国马里兰大学(University of Maryland)从事博士后研究工作,2014年受聘美国康涅狄格大学(University of Connecticut)化学系助理教授(assistant professor)。研究兴趣包括功能高分子材料和杂化材料的设计、合成和应用基础,主要研究发现包括光控聚合物胶束、囊泡设计,聚合物诱导纳米粒子合成与组装和高分子/纳米催化材料的应用。