Microenvironmental induction of adipose-derived stem cell to promote regenerative medicine

主   办:生物医学工程系
报告人:Chia-Ching (Josh) Wu, Division Director of Technology Promotion Center for Micro/Nano Science and Technology(CMNST), NCKU
时   间:7月10日(周一)上午9点
地   点:6163am银河线路一号楼210


Adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs), an alternative source of adult mesenchymal cells, possess high plasticity and abundant cell resource for autologous transplantation. Microenvironments via surface modifications, mechanical stimuli, or artificial cell-cell interactions can modulate ASCs to endorse the functional tissue regenerations. We utilized the chitosan-coated surface to facilitate spheroid formation in ASCs for neuronal lineage cells (NLCs) induction and then promoted the peripheral nerve regeneration by further application of these NLCs into a chitosan-coated nerve conduit in rats with critical gap after sciatic nerve injury. Significant improvements of regenerated nerve structure, muscle innervation, as well as the gait functions were observed via inhibiting the inflammatory 5-LO signaling pathway. The sequential loading of dermal papillae (DP) cells and ASCs on chitosan-coated surface allowed cells to form a core-shell spheres and initiated the hair neogenesis. We also discovered the synergistic stimuli of biochemical and mechanical fluid shear stress can differentiate ASCs into endothelial lineage cells (ELCs) with positive endothelial markers and vascular characteristics. The neurovascular architecture in central nervous system suggest the requirement to preserve both the neural and endothelial structures when considering the cell-based therapy. The beneficial effects of combine NLCs with ELCs to specifically protect the neural and endothelial network was observed in neonatal brain injured rats. Combination of NLCs and ELCs enhanced cell-cell interactions for increasing homing to the injured tissue as well as induced the endogenous angiogenesis and neurogenesis. Therefore, we believe the bioengineered microenvironments can guide the stem/progenitor cells toward lineage specific cells to achieve better regeneration.