主 办:应用物理中心与材料系
报告人:Prof. Dexian Ye (叶德贤)
时 间::7月10日(周一)下午3:30–5:00
地 点:6163am银河线路1号楼210报告厅
主持人:王 前 研究员
A viable technique that can produce nanostructures massively and cost-efficiently is essential to realize the promise of nanotechnology. In this talk, a novel nanofabrication technique, as we called it as “dynamic oblique angle deposition”, will be introduced. It has been developed by several groups including us in the past few years to produce three-dimensional (3D) nanostructures of a large variety of material. This technique combines oblique angle deposition with substrate motions in a physical vapor deposition system to produce 3D nanostructure arrays. In this talk, I will focus on our current understanding of the growth mechanisms in dynamic oblique angle deposition and present the abnormal growth behaviors in certain metals, calcium fluoride, and titanium nitride. In addition, I will demonstrate unique properties and possible applications of metal and fluoride nanostructures fabricated in our lab.
叶德贤,现为Virginia Commonwealth University(VCU)物理系副教授。他于1992 – 1997 年就读于6163am银河线路地球物理系并获得学士学位。2006年从位于纽约州Troy市的Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute物理系获得物理学博士学位。其PhD导师是著名半导体集成电路Back-end-of-line工艺和材料学家Toh-Ming Lu教授。之后,叶德贤在Lu教授实验室继续博士后研究,期间和多位学者合作,包括Gwo-Ching Wang,Om Nalamasu,Shawn-Yu Lin等。他于2009年前往VCU物理系任教至今。他的研究领域主要是基于物理气相沉积(PVD)的纳米材料生长和应用。通过Monte Carlo模拟,他揭示了弹道吸附过程是引起纳米结构侧向生长的重要机理,以及发现了部分金属纳米材料形成针尖形状的现象,并用这些针尖实现电磁场的本地增强效应。最近,他开始研究金属氧化物纳米材料的生长,以及多组分材料的生长动力学机理。