Multi-timescale and Correlated Dynamic Adaptive Chemistry and Transport (CO-DACT) Method for Efficient Combustion Modeling with Detailed Chemistry

主   办:力学系与湍流重点实验室
报告人:Prof. Yiguang Ju Princeton University, USA
时   间:9月29日(周五)上午10:30-11:30
地   点:6163am银河线路1号楼212会议室
主持人:王健平 教授


A hybrid multi-timescale and correlated dynamic adaptive chemistry and transport (HMTS/CO-DACT) method is developed to accelerate numerical simulations with detailed chemistry and transport properties in a reactive flow. Different sets of phase parameters, which govern the chemical reaction pathways and transport processes are proposed to identify the correlated groups for transport properties and reaction pathways in both temporal and spatial coordinates. The correlated transport properties and reduced chemical mechanisms in phase space are dynamically obtained and updated by using different user-specified threshold values. For the on-the-fly generation of reduced chemistry, the multi-generation path flux analysis (PFA) method is used.  The HMTS/CO-DACT method is validated using homogeneous ignition, diffusive ignition, propagating flames, as well as diffusive cool flame formation. Moreover, the method is also compared with the VODE and the G-scheme. The results demonstrate that the CO-DACT method can increase the computation efficiency of chemistry integration and transport properties by respectively one and two-order of magnitudes. Moreover, it is shown that the HMTS/CO-DACT method is almost linearly dependent on the species number and renders autonomous direct numerical simulation with large kinetic mechanisms.


Yiguang Ju is a Robert Porter Patterson Professor and the Director of Sustainable Energy Program at Princeton University. He received his bachelor degree from Tsinghua in 1986. Before he joined Princeton, he also taught at Tohoku University and Tsinghua University. Prof. Ju’s research interests include combustion, propulsion, and sustainable energy. He serves as the chair of the US Sections of Combustion Institute and is an ASME Fellow and a distinguished visiting fellow of UK Royal Academy of Engineering. He received numerous awards including the NASA Director’s Certificate of Appreciation award and the Humboldt Foundation Bessel research award. He served as in the NASA committee for Rocket Study, National Academy of Science Committee for NASA microgravity research assessment, and a DOE committee for National Laboratories combustion program review.