主 办:力学系与湍流重点实验室
报告人:Professor Shinobu Yoshimura
时 间:10月20日 周五 下午2:00
地 点:6163am银河线路1号楼210室(力学大院内)
Fluid-structure interaction is an interdependent phenomenon between fluid and structure that affects their dynamic behaviors. Since there are a variety of FSI problems in engineering, science, medicine and daily life, it is very important to understand and to solve FSI problems. Many researchers have attempted to develop numerical methods for solving FSI problems. Although previous studies have made significant progress, there are still strong demands for further researches on shortening computation time, increasing the degrees of freedom of models and dealing with a variety of phenomena in a generalized manner to solve real world’s coupled problems of complex machines and structures. In general, coupled phenomena can be solved by either monolithic or partitioned approaches. We have been developing a partitioned simulation system to solve large scale real world’s coupled problems in parallel computing environments. Our simulation approach consists of the following three basic philosophies : (1) Partitioned approach to use various kinds of existing solvers optimized for parallel computers, (2) Fixed point iteration to improve accuracy and robustness, and (3) Parallel coupling tool to integrate two or more independent parallel solvers with only minimum modification to them. The developed system has been applied to solve various coupled problems, i.e. (1) Seismic response of nuclear fuel assemblies in fluid, (2) Flapping flight of elastic wing, (3) Flow-induced vibration and noise of automobile, and others.
Professor Yoshimura has published 250 peer reviewed journal papers, 68 review papers and 7 books. He has been working on High-performance and Intelligent Computational Mechanics with Real World’s Applications for 29 years. Among his wide research activities, the most distinguished and well-recognized achievement is the R&D of the advanced parallel finite element analysis software known as ADVENTURE system (http://adventure.sys.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) since 1997, leading more than 20 investigators. The ADVENTURE system is very unique open source CAE software that enables very precise analyses of practical structures and machines using over 100 million to one billion DOF mesh. Those analyses can be performed very efficiently and easily not only on ordinary PC clusters, but also on latest massively parallel computers such as the K-computer. Since Dec. 2002, 42,500 modules of the system have been downloaded by 9,500 registered users worldwide. Its commercial version named ADVENTURECluster has also been widely adopted in automobile, E&E/ICT, heavy, space, material and construction industries. Since January 2015, he has been leading a new national HPC project to extend the simulation system towards Exaflops computer to appear in 2020. Furthermore, Professor Yoshimura has been developing a general-purpose platform of parallel partitioned coupling techniques with nonlinear iterations, which ensure accuracy, parallel-efficiency, robustness as well as flexibility. The ADVENTURE’s parallel solvers together with the coupling platform enable large-scale parallel coupled analyses of very complicated structures. He was also the founding chair of JSME Certification Program for Computational Mechanics Engineers (http://www.jsme.or.jp/cee/cmnintei.htm), which has already certified 7,583 computational mechanics engineers since 2003. He has received numerous awards including ICCES Distinguished Achievement Medal (2015), IACM Fellow Award (2014), APACM Computational Mechanics Award (2013), JACM Computational Mechanics Award (2011), AIAA Liquid Propulsion Best Paper Award (2009) and IEEE/ACM Supercomputing 06 Gordon Bell Award finalist (2006).