
主   办:材料科学与工程系
时   间:11月15日(周三)下午3:30
地   点:6163am银河线路一号楼210会议室
主持人:郭少军 研究员

报告一:Computational Design of Nanomaterials for Electrocatalysis

主持人:郭少军 研究员

Past decades have witnessed tremendous advances in the development of novel nanostructured catalysts for electrochemical reactions. In this talk, I review our recent efforts to computationally design nanomaterials for electrocatalysis based on first-principles modeling. Several nanostructures, including nanoparticles/nanoplates, nanowires and near-surface alloys are examined for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and CO2 electroreduction (CO2RR). We develop a multiscale computational framework to design core/shell nanoparticles (NPs) for electrocatalysis. We discover universal relations between surface strain and adsorption energy of key intermediates on NPs, based on which one could computationally screen and design core/shell NPs of superior activities by varying the NP shape, size, thickness and chemical composition. We propose that generalized coordination number could be used as a descriptor to characterize CO2RR on metal surfaces based on which one can construct activity-volcano plots and derive theoretical overpotential limits on the surfaces. We predict that dimerized (111) surface yields the lowest possible overpotential on Cu for CO2RR to methane. We also propose a number of near-surface alloys which show promise of highly active and selective catalysts for formic acid, carbon monoxide, methanol, and ethylene production, while simultaneously suppress competing hydrogen evolution reaction. Finally, we predict that penta-twinned Cu nanowires are excellent candidates for CO2RR thanks to the combination of ultrahigh mechanical strength, large surface-to-volume ratios and an abundance of under-coordinated adsorption sites. The work was supported by the US Army and the National Science Foundation.


Prof. Lu received his Ph. D from Chinese Academy of Sciences while most of his Ph. D work was carried out in his current institution - California State University Northridge (CSUN). After a postdoc appointment at Harvard, Prof. Lu returned to CSUN as a faculty member in 2004 and was promoted to a full professor in 2009. He is the director of NSF-funded PREM center and the founding director of the Center of Excellence in Materials Innovation, both at CSUN. Prof. Lu spends significant research effort in developing first-principles based multiscale computational methods and has applied these methods to various important materials problems. Some of the problems relevant to electrocatalysis will be highlighted in the talk. His recent publications can be found at

主持人:郭少军 研究员



张铁锐,中国科学院理化技术研究所研究员、博士生导师,中科院“百人计划”,中国科学院光化学转化与功能材料重点实验室副主任。2017年当选英国皇家化学会会士。吉林大学化学学士(1994-1998),吉林大学有机化学博士(1998-2003)。之后,在德国(2003-2004)、加拿大(2004-2005)和美国(2005-2009)进行博士后研究。2009年底回国受聘于中国科学院理化技术研究所“百人计划”研究员。主要研究用于氢高效清洁制备和利用的纳米催化材料,在Adv. Mater.、Angew. Chem.、JACS等期刊上发表SCI论文140余篇,被引用5000多次,H指数40,申请国家发明专利26项(已授权18项),在国际会议上做特邀报告20余次。曾获皇家学会牛顿学者、国家“万人计划”-首批“青年拔尖人才支持计划”、国家基金委“优青”、中科院“百人计划”-结题优秀、德国“洪堡”学者奖、太阳能光化学与光催化领域优秀青年奖、第二届“SCOPUS寻找未来科学之星”材料领域银奖。兼任Science Bulletin副主编以及Scientific Reports等期刊任编委。现任中国化学会青年工作者委员会-委员,中国材料研究学会纳米材料与器件分会-理事,IAOEES-理事,中国感光学会光催化专业委员会-委员、第五届中国青年科技工作者协会-会员等学术职。