主 办:材料科学与工程系
报告人:Yushan Yan教授、Da-Wei Wang 教授
时 间:12月13日(周三)下午3:00-6:00
地 点:6163am银河线路1号楼210室
主持人:郭少军 研究员
报告一:Platinum-Free Fuel Cells for Affordable Zero-Emission Cars
报告人:Yushan Yan教授
主持人:郭少军 研究员
One of the grand challenges facing humanity today is the development of an alternative energy system that is safe, clean, and sustainable and where combustion of fossil fuels no longer dominates. A distributed renewable electrochemical energy and mobility system (DREEMS) could meet this challenge. At the foundation of this new energy system, we have chosen to study a number of electrochemical devices including fuel cells, electrolyzers, and flow batteries. For all these devices electrocatalysis and polymer electrolytes play a critical role in controlling their performance, cost, and durability, and thus their economic viability. In this presentation, I will focus on our recent work on hydroxide exchange membrane fuel cells (HEMFCs) which can work with nonprecious metal catalysts and inexpensive hydrocarbon polymer membranes. More specifically I will show the roadmap we have developed for this technology, the progress we have made in developing the most stable membranes and the most active nonprecious metal catalysts. I will also discuss why hydrogen oxidation reactions are slower in base than in acid for precious metal catalysts.
Yushan Yan is the Distinguished Engineering Professor and the Associate Dean for Research and Entrepreneurship of the College of Engineering at the University of Delaware. He studied Chemical Physics (BS) at the University of Science and Technology of China, Heterogeneous Catalysis at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Chemical Engineering (MS/PhD) at the California Institute of Technology. He worked for AlliedSignal as Senior Staff Engineer and Project Leader before joining the faculty at the University of California Riverside where he served as Department Chair. His recognitions include University Scholar Professor from the University of California Riverside, Presidential Chair from the University of California, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Donald Breck Award from the International Zeolite Association, the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum Award from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and the Energy Technology Division Research Award from the Electrochemical Society. He was one of 37 awardees of the US Department of Energy’s ARPA-E OPEN 2009 and one of 66 awardees of the ARPA-E OPEN 2012. He has been an inventor on a number of issued or pending patents, some of which were licensed to form startup companies (e.g., NanoH2O and OH-Energy). His research has led to 210+ publications that are widely cited (14,000+ citations, h-index = 63 and average citation/paper = 60), and extensively covered by the media including New Scientist, Business Week, C&EN News, Materials Today, MRS360, Chemical Engineering Progress, China Press, Chinese Daily News, CNBC, CNN.com, KABC, Radio Australia, and VOA.
报告二: Lithium-Sulfur Batteries from the Perspectives of Organic-based Materials and Full Cell Design
报告人:Da-Wei Wang 教授
主持人:郭少军 研究员
Li/S battery has recently been recognized as the new generation battery technology. Unfortunately, many challenging issues have slowed down its progress to commercialization. These obstacles essentially include, but are not limited to, the instability of the sulfur cathode and the dendritic interface of the lithium anode.
This talk will spread to the three selected aspects associated with Li/S cell: cathode materials, interlayer and full cell design.
Various sulfur-based composites with a secondary phase of carbons, polymers, oxides, sulfides or carbides have been developed as advanced cathode materials for Li/S batteries. We will introduce the synthesis and properties of solid-state organic polysulfides as alternative cathodes for Li/S batteries. The capping moieties in the organic polysulfides not only introduced redox activity, but also acted as polysulfide ‘fishing’ spots to mitigate the polysulfide leaking problem.
Aside from the cathode materials, the interlayer plays a critical role in regulating the ionic flux and maintaining a healthy cell condition for durable device performance. We will share the recent discovery of the electrochemical glassification of metal-organic frameworks in the presence of polysulfides, and interpret the operating mechanism of MOF interlayer from a different structure point of view.
Bringing all optimal battery components (electrode, electrolyte, separator, interlayer, etc.) to enable working full cell is the ‘Holy Grail’ of Li/S battery research. A strategy of parallel solid-liquid interface engineering will be introduced for the design of Li/S full cell. The improvement of sulfur utilization and the suppression of sulfur exhaust and dendrite growth were simultaneously achieved via modifying the composition and surface homogeneity of the anode and cathode of the full cell.
Da-Wei Wang joined UNSW in 2014, and is currently Senior Lecturer in School of Chemical Engineering. He was appointed as UNSW Scientia Fellow in November 2017. His research focuses on the chemistry and synthesis of high-performance energy materials, and the design of new generation renewable energy conversion/storage devices, including supercapacitors, metal/sulfur batteries, metal-ion batteries, aqueous redox flow batteries, and fuel cells. Part of his interest is dedicated to the exploration of novel two-dimensional materials and the new properties. As a Chief Investigator, Da-Wei has attracted external funding (>3M A$) from competitive government schemes and industrial partners. Da-Wei has contributed 2 book chapters, >100 journal publications, 8 patents and over 20 keynote/invited presentations, which received >13,000 citations with an H-index of 40 (Google Scholar). Da-Wei has won some prestigious awards including 2012 Fundamental Research Excellence Award of University of Queensland, 2013 Scopus Young Researcher Award in Engineering and Technology (Australian Universities).