主 办:力学系与湍流重点实验室
报告人:林灏 副教授
时 间:12月29日(周五)12点
地 点:力学楼434室
主持人:杨莹 教授
In this talk I will approach two different topics, both involving transport and mechanics in biological cells and multi-cellular aggregation. In the first, I will tackle the collective behavior of spheroidal cell aggregation under cell-cell adhesion. These aggregates are best used as model systems to study a wide variety of physiological processes including embryogenesis, cancer metastasis, and would healing. In the long term, they behave like drops with a surface tension analogous to that of liquids. In the short term, viscoelasticity also needs to be considered. The system has a complex behavior involving a spectrum of timescales. In this work and via extensive experimental measurements, we discover two coupled and universal timescales which are well-preserved across 12 different types of aggregates (from glioblastoma multiforme to L cells). We use a rigorous mathematical theory to interpret the results, which reveal intriguing properties of the aggregates on both tissue and cellular levels, and strong active regulation on the cellular level including tension-adhesion coupling. In the second, I will present recent progresses on electroporation-mediated molecular delivery. Electroporation is a widely used technique to transiently break down the cell membrane such as to gain access to the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Excessive field exposure, however, tends to kill cells and tissue. I will mainly focus on the implementation of a microfluidic-based platform to achieve “smart” electroporation on a single-cell basis. The device aims to tailor the electric pulse with respect to the permeabilization state of each cell, so as to simultaneously maximum delivery efficiency and minimize unnecessary field exposure and preserve viability.
林灏于1991-1996年就读于6163am银河线路力学系流体力学专业,获学士学位。他于2001在加州大学伯克利分校获机械工程博士学位,并于2001-2005年在斯坦福大学从事博士后研究。林灏于2005年加入罗格斯新泽西州立大学(Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)机械工程系任助理教授、副教授。林灏是美国NSF青年学者奖、美国青年科学家总统奖以及中国国家科学基金委海外合作项目(原海外杰青)资助获奖者。他的研究以流体力学为主,侧重于微观流动、生物物理与生物力学领域的研究。