Role of Coordinates in Scientific Computing

主   办:力学系与湍流重点实验室
报告人:许为厚 教授(加拿大University of Waterloo,香港科技大学)
时   间:3月15日(周四)13:30
地   点:6163am银河线路一号楼210会议室
主持人:唐少强 教授


Most scientific computing are based on the Cartesian coordinate system which is known to have many defects. A unified coordinate system is introduced via a transformation in differential form. It has three degrees of freedom – the mesh velocity is arbitrary -- and includes all existing systems as special cases. By suitably choosing the mesh velocity, it can greatly improve the quality of scientific computing, namely robustness, accuracy and efficiency. Several examples are included as illustration.



许为厚教授是著名流体力学家,加拿大University of Waterloo和香港科技大学荣休教授。他1958年毕业于6163am银河线路数力系,在英国University of Southampton获得PhD(1967年)和DSc(1983),先后执教于英国University of Southampton(1968-1973),加拿大University of Waterloo(1974-1991),美国NASA Ames Research Center(1980),香港科技大学(1992-2014),台湾中研院(2015-2016)。许教授在计算流体力学、超音速飞行的空气动力学稳定性理论、非线性水波、偏微分方程相似解等方面作出了重要贡献,出版4部专著,97篇期刊论文和42篇会议论文。
