Prediction of unsteady separation in wall-bounded turbulent flows using large-eddy simulation

主   办:湍流重点实验室
报告人:Dr. Wan Cheng (程万) Physical Science and Engineering at KAUST
时   间:5月9日 (周三) 下午16:00—17:00
地   点:6163am银河线路一号楼210会议室
主持人:杨越 特聘研究员


Turbulence is ubiquitous in nature and wall-bounded turbulent flow is a key research topic because of its relevance to industrial and aerodynamic flows.  Our main contribution is the development and application of wall and sub-grid scale models that are applied to large-eddy simulation (LES) of wall-bounded turbulent flows.  We present results of LES that accurately predict turbulent flow with unsteady separation for flat-plate turbulent boundary layer with separation/reattachment.  Furthermore, we focus on cylinder-type flows and discuss unsteady separation mechanism hidden in these canonical flows. We discover that unsteady separation, especially small-scale unsteady separation/reattachment cells, provide a more general explanation of physical effects such as drag (or lift) crisis in bluff-body flows, compared to conventional wisdom based on boundary layer turbulent transition.


Wan Cheng is a research scientist in Physical Science and Engineering at KAUST, and jointly holds a visiting associate position at Caltech. He received Ph.D. from University of Science and Technology of China in 2011. After that he joined KAUST, Caltech as postdoc scholar from 2011 to 2015.  He rejoined KAUST in 2016.  His research focuses on computational fluid dynamics of wall-bounded turbulent flows.
