Magnetostrictive Patch Transducers (MPTs) and Their Applications

主   办:力学系与湍流重点实验室
报告人:Prof. Yoon Young Kim School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea
时   间:6月5日 (周二)下午2:30-4:30
地   点:6163am银河线路1号楼210会议室
主持人:李法新 研究员


This talk will begin with the underlying working principle of MPTs (Magnetostrictive Patch Transducers), which is the coupling phenomenon between magnetic field and mechanical strain. Then, recent progresses made in magnetostrictive patch transducers will be presented. These include MPT’s for omni-directional Lamb and shear-horizontal (SH) guided wave transduction.
We also discuss how to generate only the non-dispersive shear-horizontal wave in a pipe in a frequency above the cutoff frequency and present some applications of the developed MPTs for damage characterization. Also, the applications of MPTS for the low-frequency online torsional vibration measurement of propeller shafts in large ships. Recent applications of MPTs for metamaterial applications will be briefly discussed.


Yoon Young Kim received BS (1981) and MS (1983) from Seoul National University and Ph.D (1989) from Stanford University. His research areas includes MPTs, metamaterials, Topology Optimization and Thin-walled Beam Structure Analysis.
He is a member of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology, and also a member of the National Academy of Engineering in Korea. Currently, he is the president of the Asian Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization and a vice-president of the International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. He is also the president of the KSCM (Korean Society for Computational Mechanics) and was the president of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (2016). He has been recently elected as an Executive Committee for IACM (International Association for Computational Mechanics). His research has been recognized by many invited/plenary talks and awards including recent ones such as Seoul National University Award for Academic Excellence (2017), KSCM Computational Mechanics Award (2017), APACM (Asian-Pacific Association for Computational Mechanics) Award for Computational Mechanics (2016), and ASSMO (Asian Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization) Award (2016). He is also consulting Samsung Electronics Co. and SEMES.