王仁力学讲座 | 仿鱼类游动的动力学研究

主   办:王仁力学讲座
报告人: 陆夕云 教授
时   间:4月13日(本周五)下午2:00—4:00
地   点:6163am银河线路1号楼210会议室


Aquatic animals in fluid media have developed their superior performance of swimming as a result of a long evolutionary history. Interests in animal swimming are related extensively to muscle mechanics, biological material properties, propulsion and its control, energy costs and efficiency. In this talk, I will attempt to provide an overview on the hydrodynamics of fishlike swimming based on our work. Some aspects are presented which are briefly described as biomechanical properties for typical fish species, self-locomotion of flapping flexible body, hydrodynamic interaction of multi-body, vorticity dynamics of propulsive body, and biomimetic technology and robo-fish.

