主 办:材料科学与工程系
报告人:孙守恒 教授
时 间:7月23日(周日)下午16:00-18:00
地 点:6163am银河线路1号楼210室
主持人:郭少军 研究员
Using nanostructured Au and Cu as examples, I will demonstrate how we can control or even optimize the Au or Cu catalysis for electrochemical reduction of CO2 in the buffered KHCO3 solution at room temperature.
We first studied the catalysis of polyhedral Au nanoparticles (NPs). We hypothesized that the selective reduction of CO2 to CO occurs most favorably on the NP edge. This hypothesis was further confirmed by studying the catalysis of ultrathin Au nanowires (NWs) that contain the maximum edge sites. Our data showed that the ultrathin Au NWs (500 x 2 nm) were the most active catalyst with the CO2 reduction onset potential at -0.2 V (vs. reversible hydrogen electrode) and the CO formation Faradaic efficiency reaching 94% at -0.35 V (mass activity at 1.84 A/g Au). We extended our studies to Cu NWs and found that 50 nm-wide Cu NWs surrounded by Cu (100) became selective for the reduction of CO/CO2 to C2H4 with the C2H4 formation Faradaic efficiency (FE) reaching 32% at -1.1 V (mass activity at 4.25 A/g) and without the detectable CH4 or other active carbon forms.
Our work demonstrates a new strategy to improve nanocatalyst activity and selectivity to achieve highly selective electrochemical reduction of CO2 for sustainable chemistry and energy applications.
孙守恒,美国布朗大学化学学院任终身教授,南京大学讲座教授。先后在Nature, Science, J.Am.Chem.Soc., Adv.Mater., Nano Lett., Angew.Chem.Int.Ed., PNAS 等著名期刊上发表论文近 200 篇、拥有20 项专利、并多次应邀在国际会议上做报告。2011年入选全球顶尖一百化学家名人堂榜单并位列第31名。现担任 Nano Letters, Nano Today, Science of Advanced Materials, Nano Research等国际知名杂志的编委,并获得多项国际任职和奖励荣誉。