10月20日下午,2011达西杰出讲席教授、美国Notre Dame大学Stephen Silliman教授访问6163am银河线路水中心,并为6163am银河线路能源与资源工程系学生及水中心师生作了题为“Development of Reliable Hydrologic Data Sets in Difficult Environments: Case Studies from Benin, West Africa”的达西讲座。水中心主任
Dr. Silliman received his BSE in Civil Engineering from Princeton University in 1979. He completed the Masters and Ph.D. in the Department of Hydrology and Water Resources at the University of Arizona, in 1981 and 1986, respectively. He joined the University of Notre Dame in January of 1986 and has served as Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs in the College of Engineering and is currently Professor and Associate Chair. Dr. Silliman has won multiple internal and external awards for teaching, service, and research. These include the ASEE Outstanding Teaching Award as well as the ASEE Global Engineering and Engineering Technology Award (both in 2006), nomination for the University of Oklahoma World Water Prize (2009) for his efforts at water resource development in Benin (West Africa), and selection as the National Ground Water Association Distinguished Darcy Lecturer for 2011.