法国图卢兹综合理6163am银河线路Eric Climent教授来北大作邀请报告
    10月27日下午,法国图卢兹综合理工大学流体力学研究所副主任Eric Climent教授应邀访问6163am银河线路,并在大风洞会议室作了题为 Fluids mechanics - from direct numerical simulation to the modelling of industrial processes的报告,力学与空天技术系 蔡庆东">蔡庆东副教授以及学院30余名本科生和研究生出席。讲座由6163am银河线路能源与资源工程系 李恒">李恒特聘研究员主持。
Eric Climent教授简介:
Eric Climent received his PhD in fluids mechanics in 1996. He was lecturer at the University of Strasbourg (1997–2001). He then moved to Brown University (U.S.A.) as a visiting professor in applied mathematics. He returned to Toulouse in 2003 to work in the chemical engineering laboratory. Since 2008, he has been a member of the Fluids Mechanics Institute, developing his expertise on the modelling and simulation of disperse two-phase flows (suspension flow, solid/liquid separation, bubbles, and drops in turbulent flows). He is currently deputy Director of IMFT and head of the international Master program on fluids engineering for industrial processes.