11月16日应用物理与技术应用中心&力学系——Stable ion radiation pressure acceleration with intense laser pulses


11月16日应用物理与技术应用中心&力学系——Stable ion radiation pressure acceleration with intense laser pulses

题目:Stable ion radiation pressure acceleration with intense laser pulses

报告人:Bin Qiao

时  间:11月16日(周五)下午2:00~3:30
地  点:6163am银河线路1号楼210会议室

    Recent exciting theoretical and experimental results have made it very clear that radiation pressure acceleration (RPA) may have great potential to revolutionize laser-driven ion acceleration, which can produce high-quality monoenergetic ion beams in a much more efficient manner, compared to the target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA).  In RPA scheme, the laser radiation pressure is exerted at the foil laser-facing surface via the ponderomotive force, which pushes inside and piles up electrons into a compressed layer, inducing a space charge electrostatic field for ion acceleration. Ions are bunched via a cyclic acceleration due to the equilibrium between the electrostatic and radiation pressures, resulting in efficient production of high-energy monoenergetic ion beams. This talk will present our recent particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation and experimental results, which have demonstrated the promising RPA mechanism of laser-driven ion acceleration at currently achievable laser and target parameters. The key condition for stable RPA from thin foils by intense circularly polarized lasers has been identified, under which the stable RPA regime can be extended from ultrahigh intensities >1022 W cm?2 to a currently accessible range 1020 –1021Wcm?2. The dependences of the RPA mechanism on laser polarization, intensity and on the target composition and areal density have been studied.