6163am银河线路 |
力学与工程科学系 |
湍流与复杂系统国家重点实验室 |
3D (Bio)printing for Personalized and Minimally Invasive Medicine |
报告人:匡晓 博士
时 间:12月12日(周二)8:30—10:30
地 点:6163am银河线路1号楼212
主持人:李国洋 助理教授
Our society is stepping into an aging era, exerting substantial medical challenges. 3D (bio)printing, using biomaterials and therapeutic components for precise fabrication of anatomical and personalized constructs, has changed the landscape of personalized medicine with higher accuracy and speed. However, existing 3D printing falls short of recapitulating the tissuse’s complex heterogeneous structures and dynamic functions due to a lack of biomaterials and printing techniques. Moreover, the in-vivo application of 3D-printed constructs still needs surgical implantation. In this presentation, I will talk about how we integrate novel soft biomaterials and unconventional 3D printing techniques to fabricate physiologically relevant engineered tissues resembling native tissues and further achieve a deep penetration through-tissue printing of engineered living systems. In the first part of the presentation, I will discuss the convergence of biopolymer network design and multimaterial 3D printing to replicate heterogeneous structures and functional properties of tissues and their application in engineered living tissues and models. In the second section, I will introduce an innovative deep-penetration acoustic volumetric printing technique that allows us to print opaque composite even through centimeter-thick biological tissues. I will elaborate on the general design of an ultrasound-sensitive ink (or sono-ink) to enable ultrasound-triggered fast and selective material hardening for a minimally invasive manufacturing scheme. I will illustrate the translation potentials of acoustic printing for minimally invasive medicine and intervention in tissue repair/regeneration and drug delivery.
匡晓,哈佛大学医学院博士后研究员。2016年在中科院化学所取得博士学位,2016至2020年于美国佐治亚理工开展博士后研究,2020年加入哈佛大学医学院和布莱根妇女医院。从事生物材料及相关的先进制造技术研究。以第一/通讯作者身份在Science、Science Advances、Advanced Materials和Advanced Function Materials等期刊发表论文39篇,合著7本专著的章节,申请专利10项。