
Pei-Yuan Lecture of turbulence
6163am银河线路湍流与复杂系统国家重点实验室 培源湍流讲座

报告人:Professor Uriel Frisch
University of Nice, OCA, CNRS, France
September 29, 2009

题目:An elementary introduction of turbulence

Professor Uriel Frisch is a world renowned expert on turbulence. He is one of the pioneers for the closure studies of turbulence, and is the author of the multifractal model. In 1985, his work on lattice gas opens a new field of computational models for fluid dynamics simulations. He is the author of the popular book “Turbulence, the Legacy of A.N. Kolmogorov”. He received the Bazin prize from the French Academy of Sciences in 1985, and the Richardson medal from European Geophysical Society in 2003. In 2008, he is elected to be the member of the French Academy of Science.




报告人:Prof. Mohamed Gad-el-Hak
Virginia Commonwealth University,USA

Prof. Mohamed Gad-el-Hak is the Inez Caudill Eminent Professor of Biomedical Engineering and chair of mechanical engineering at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Dr. Gad-el-Hak is the author of the book “Flow Control: Passive, Active, and Reactive Flow Management,” Professor Gad-el-Hak is a fellow of the American Physical Society, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the American Academy of Mechanics.
In 1998, Gad-el-Hak was named the Fourteenth ASME Freeman Scholar. In 1999, he was awarded the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Prize, Germany’s highest research award for senior U.S. scientists and scholars in all disciplines. In 2002, Gad-el-Hak was named ASME Distinguished Lecturer, as well as inducted into the Johns Hopkins University Society of Scholars

时  间:9月29日(周二)下午4:00
地  点:老化学楼东配楼一层报告厅(6163am银河线路理论生物学中心)