Identifying novel proteins critical for photosynthetic function through bioinformatic analyses of the model green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

主   办:能源与资源工程系
报告人:Prof. Arthur Grossman Carnegie Institution for Science and Stanford University
时   间:8月21日(周二),下午 3:00 – 4:30
地   点:6163am银河线路1号楼210会议室


Photosynthesis is arguably the most important biological process on earth. There are numerous uncharacterized proteins associated with the function, biogenesis and regulation of the photosynthetic apparatus. To fill gaps in our understanding of photosynthetic processes, we assembled a bioinformatically-generated protein inventory designated the GreenCut. This suite of ~600 GreenCut proteins is conserved among photosynthetic organisms of the Green Lineage (Viridiplantae), but not present or poorly conserved in organisms that do not perform photosynthesis. The GreenCut includes many proteins that were previously shown to be directly involved in photosynthetic metabolism or that facilitated chloroplast biogenesis. However, the functions of approximately half of these proteins are still not known. We have recently characterized photosynthetic activity in several Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants disrupted for specific GreenCut proteins, including cgl71 and cpld49. The cgl71 mutant is altered in photosystem I activity while the cpld49 mutant is altered in cytochrome b6f activity. The mechanistic, regulatory and evolutionary implications of our results will be discussed.

Prof. Arthur Grossman is a distinguished biologist whose research ranges across the fields of photosynthesis, phytochemistry, plant biology, microbiology, and marine biology. He received his B.S. in Biology with Honors, from Brooklyn College (1973), and his Ph.D. from Indiana University (1978), followed by a postdoctoral training at The Rockefeller University. Arthur has been a Staff Scientist at Carnegie Institution for Science since 1982, and holds a courtesy appointment as Professor in the Department of Biology at Stanford University. He was the recipient of the Gilbert Morgan Smith Medal (National Academy of Sciences) in 2009 and the Darbaker Prize for work on microalgae (Botanical Society of America) in 2002. He is Co-Editor in Chief of Journal of Phycology, and has served on the editorial boards of major biological journals including the Annual Review of Genetics, Molecular Plant, Journal of Biological Chemistry, and Eukaryotic Cell. He has also served as organizers of many symposiums, meetings and conferences (elected co-Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Photosynthesis in 2015, and Chair in 2017). His lab has broad research interests including 1) identifying new functions associated with photosynthetic processes, 2) mechanism(s) of coral bleaching, 3) metabolic switching upon anoxia, 4) regulation of nutrients metabolism, 5) symbiosis and photosynthetic organelle evolution, etc, with numerous publications in top journals such as Nature, Science, PNAS, and Plant Cell.

Jin Liu, PhD
Principal Investigator
Laboratory for Algae Biotechnology & Innovation
Peking University
Beijing, China