Streamline-Based EOR Simulations

主   办:能源与资源工程系
报告人:Dacun Li 博士 Notre Dame University
时   间:9月17日(周一)下午15:00
地   点:王克桢楼1006会议室
主持人:张东晓 教授


Secondary oil recovery led by water flood accounts for one half of the oil recovered in the United States. Furthermore, streamline simulation is becoming more and more popular these days due to its higher speed compared with finite-difference method. In this project, a streamline simulator is developed for water flood and gas injection. Oil recovery and water cut from the streamline simulator are compared with their counterparts from a finite-difference simulator. In addition, a practical method to implement an extremely large time step in streamline simulation is introduced. Results show that numerical dispersions decrease from finite difference method, to numerical streamline method, and to analytical streamline method. For numerical method, numerical dispersions decrease with increased time step size. By using the practical method, streamline simulations have greatly been sped up.


李大村博士, 1989年获西北工业大学飞行器制造工程学士学位,1992年获中国辐射防护研究院辐射防护与保健物理硕士学位,2002年获美国新墨西哥理6163am银河线路石油工程博士学位。他有20多年的工业界、学术界、以及国际工作经验。
