Flame Folding and Wrinkling Factor for 2D and 3D Hydrogen-Air Flames

主   办:力学系与湍流重点实验室
报告人:Dr. Mike Kuznetsov Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
时   间:9月21日(周五)上午9:00-9:45
地   点:6163am银河线路 1#楼209会议室


An experimental study and theoretical analysis of laminar flame propagation in spherical 3D- and planar 2D-geometries for hydrogen-air mixtures was carried out in order to investigate an effect of flame instability, a flame structure and a mechanism of initial quasi-laminar flame acceleration prior turbulent flame acceleration and  DDT. The theory of laminar flames and theoretical analysis based on solution of Sivashinsky-Michelson equation was performed to explain the experimental results. It was theoretically found, that the burning velocity increased by the factor of 1.2-1.6 due to the flame instability. This value was found to be exactly proportional to the flame area amplification and well confirmed by current experimental data in 2D- and 3D-geometries. Such a flame wrinkling leads to primary flame acceleration remaining the flame of laminar structure in general.  

Dr. Mike KUZNETSOV is a principal researcher on hydrogen combustion and detonation at KIT, experimental group leader (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Kaiserstrasse12, 76131, Karlsruhe, Germany), He’s professional experience is above 30 years. His research interests includes mechanical engineering, gas dynamics, chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, structural analysis, safety of nuclear power plants, safety in fusion technologies, hydrogen safety. His total number of publications/public output to date is 291, which includes 3 patents; 94 scientific papers in referred journals; 194 scientific papers in refereed conference proceedings.
Academic and Professional Qualification/Membership
1981 – M.Sc. on Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Saint-Petersburg Institute of Technology, Russia.
1981 – 84 PhD student at Saint-Petersburg Institute of Technology, Russia.
1986 – Ph.D. on Physics of Combustion and Explosions, Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia
Brief Outline of Career History
1985 – 2003 : Researcher, Senior Researcher, Head of Combustion Dynamics Laboratory, Senior Expert, Russian Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia
2003 – 2018 : Principal Researcher, Institute for Nuclear and Energy Technologies of the Research Center Karlsruhe, Germany
2013 – 2017: Invité professor, Centre National de la recherche scientifique, Institut de Combustion, Aérothermique, Réactivité et Environnement. Orléans, France

联系人:陈正  62766232, 13439589987