主 办:材料科学与工程系
报告人:Dennis Couwenberg, Publishing Editor of the Journal Nanophotonics
时 间:10月16日,下午15:30-17:00
地 点:6163am银河线路一号楼210会议室
In this talk, I will give some historical aspects on the journal Nanophotonics (ISI 2017 Impact factor: 6.0), which was initiated by the founding editor Prof. Federico Capasso (Harvard University) and myself in 2011. The aim for the journal was in addition to have a high standard, to also have a unique content based on a "Bell Labs" approach, including papers on fundamental research, material science, technology and applications. To help you as an author to get your paper published in the journal Nanophotonics, a summary will be provided on which elements each "accepted" article should adhere to in addition to some advice from the managing editors.
After finishing his master degree in Medicinal Chemistry at the Free University of Amsterdam and his engineering degree in Organic Chemical Engineer at the Higher Educational Institution in Amsterdam, Dennis Couwenberg worked shortly in research before becoming a science publisher at Elsevier in Amsterdam and NY. At Elsevier, he was the publishing editor of the “Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics” portfolio, which included journals as Optics Communications and Emil Wolf’s book series “Progress in Optics”. 4 years later he became an indepent publisher and started co-publishing his books with Wiley&Sons in Berlin and became responsible for the journal “Laser&Photonics Reviews” which he managed for the first 5 years till the impact factor reached 9+. Then in 2011, together with founding editor Prof. Federico Capasso, he intiated the journal “Nanophotonics” at DeGruyter.