11月30日下午,沙特阿拉伯阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(KAUST)数学、计算机及工程学院院长David Keyes教授在6163am银河线路英杰交流中心第八会议室作了题为“A Nonlinearly Implicit Manifesto”的6163am银河线路特邀讲座,并进行了招募研究生及研究人员的宣讲会。
David Keyes教授报告中
在特邀报告中,Keyes教授着重介绍了并行计算中的非线性隐式算法。他指出,多物理、多尺度问题是当今科技研究中的关键研究对象,而数值模拟中常常需要运用完全隐式格式,才能提高并行计算的稳定性和有效性。他还介绍了美国的TOPS (Terascale Optimal PDE Simulations)研究中心在这方面的工作。
沙特阿拉伯阿卜杜拉国王科技大学是2009年9月刚刚成立的一所仅招收研究生的大学,Keyes教授在题为“Supercomputing to Sustainability”的宣讲中通过生动的语言和形象的图片向在座的听众展示了KAUST的全貌,指出KAUST颠覆了传统大学的模式,其研究主要集中于使发展中国家受益的领域,如可再生能源、清洁燃烧、水的去盐化和纯化等;研究者不是被划归在系里,而是在各个交叉学科的研究中心;没有本科生等等。所有这些独特性及其特殊的地理位置、巨额的捐助资金等都将使KAUST为21世纪人类的发展做出重要贡献。
David Elliot Keyes教授介绍:
Dr. David Elliot Keyes has been appointed Dean of Mathematical and Computer Sciences and Engineering and Named Professor of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science at KAUST. As Dean, Dr. Keyes will lead efforts to provide opportunities and facilities for researchers to address important issues pertaining to mathematical and computer sciences.
Dr. Keyes is currently the Fu Foundation Professor of Applied Mathematics at Columbia University, an affiliate of several laboratories of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and the vice president of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). Dr. Keyes began his career at Yale University, where he taught for eight years, prior to joining Old Dominion University and the Institute for Computer Applications in Science & Engineering at the NASA Langley Research Center in 1993. Between 1999 and 2008, he served part-time as the director of the Institute for Scientific Computing Research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
With backgrounds in engineering, applied mathematics, and computer science, and consulting experience with industry and national laboratories, Dr. Keyes works at the algorithmic interface between parallel computing and the numerical analysis of partial differential equations, across a spectrum of aerodynamic, geophysical, and chemically reacting flows.
A pioneer in the development of large-scale simulation, he currently leads a mathematical cyberinfrastructure center for the U.S. DOE under the Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing initiative, and has previously led one of the Grand, National, and Multidisciplinary Challenges centers of the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), as well as one of DOE's Accelerated Strategic Computing centers.
For his algorithmic influence in scientific simulation, Dr. Keyes was recognized with the Sidney Fernbach Award of the IEEE Computer Society in 2007 and an ACM Gordon Bell Prize in 1999. He was awarded an NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award in 1989 and has won teaching prizes from Columbia, Harvard, and Yale universities. He is a member of the advisory committees of the Mathematics and Physical Sciences Directorate and of the Office of Cyberinfrastructure of the NSF, and has edited agency reports on simulation in fusion, fission, aerodynamics, nanotechnology, and other areas. He is a one-time editor of the DOE report A Science-based Case for Large-scale Simulation and he is a founding editor of SIAM's Computational Science & Engineering (CS&E) book series, and Springer's Lecture Notes in CS&E.
Dr. Keyes graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor's of science in engineering in Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences from Princeton University, and earned a doctorate in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University. He completed his postdoctoral studies in the Computer Science Department of Yale University.